Learn About our Drop-off Program
Sharing a commute offers many benefits. Ridesharing not only saves money, it can offer a shorter commute time, improve our community by reducing traffic congestion and air pollution and possibly help reduce the stress and tension of driving.
If you are a UCR campus employee or graduate student and carpool to campus with another working adult, you may want to explore the Drop Off Program.
What distinguishes a Drop Off participant from a Carpool participant is their driving partner’s place of employment. Drop Off program participants share a ride with another person not working on campus and the Drop Off participant does not park a vehicle on campus.
Faculty, Staff and Graduate Students
Registered participants who are dropped off at campus each day by another working adult and do not possess an active commuter parking permit are eligible to participate in the Drop Off program.
You must enroll in the Alternative Transportation Program to receive incentives. Eligibility of incentives is subject to verification using University electronic records.
Complimentary Parking Privileges
Registered Drop Off participants are eligible to receive a complimentary parking allotment for days they cannot commute with their rideshare partner. Program participants are provided a prorated permit allotment, based on 2 permits per month. Actual allotments provided are dependent on enrollment dates and are issued on a quarterly basis. Parking allotments are easily accessible through the A/T Daily Web Permit application.