How do I rent a vehicle though Fleet Services?
A link to Fleet Commander is in R’Space under Authorized Applications. If the link is not there, you do not have access to the system and will have to contact your department’s Systems Access Administrator (SAA) to gain access or get the contact for the designated requestor in your department to make the reservation. For information on how to find out who your SAA is or how to provide access to Fleet Commander in the Enterprise Access Control System (EACS), please see Fleet Commander Access.
Can I park my personal vehicle somewhere while I rent a Fleet vehicle?
If you have a blue permit for Lot 23 you may park your personal vehicle there. However, if you have a dedicated Lot permit you will need to park your personal vehicle in the lot you are assigned.
Daily permits may be purchased via Parkmobile for Lot 23 on Saturday and Sunday only.
Who can drive Fleet vehicles?
Please see the Use of University Vehicles policy for details on who can drive Fleet vehicles.
Can I drive outside of California?
Fleet vehicles can be driven outside of California provided that an out-of-state form is completed and submitted prior to the reservation. This form can be submitted via email to fleet@ucr.edu or turned in to the Fleet office the day of the reservation.
Where is Fleet located?
Fleet is located on the north side of campus in the Corporation Yard.
How do I fuel Fleet vehicles?
All vehicles begin the rental with a full tank of gas. They do not have to be refueled before returning them. If more fuel is needed during the rental, Fleet Services provides a fuel card with every rental. Always use this card to fuel the vehicle.
What happens if I get into an accident or need roadside assistance in a Fleet vehicle?
If you get into an accident or need roadside assistance in a Fleet vehicle, call Fleet Services immediately at (951) 827-2277. During non-operating hours, there is a 24-hour answering service that will be able to assist you. Please see our Accident Reporting and Roadside Assistance web pages for additional details.